Neuner underwear shop

Schwedengasse 2

The Neuner underwear shop once stood next to the Steiner Gate, at the start of the street Schwedengasse, where today a wide range of apricot products are sold. After the “Anschluss” of 1938, it was one of the Jewish shops that were looted by a rapacious mob.

The shop had been founded by Albert Neuner (1865–1930). Albert and his wife Agnes had three children: Ernst, Arthur and Charlotte. Arthur emigrated with his wife Frieda to Palestine, but returned to Austria in 1937. They were both deported from Vienna to Minsk in 1942 and murdered there. Charlotte, a married homemaker, died with her daughter in Theresienstadt. Ernst Neuner survived in Vienna. He and his non-Jewish wife provided food packages to relatives and acquaintances in Theresienstadt. Between November 1943 and January 1945, the couple sent 960 packages – an average of two per day. Agnes Neuner, the mother, survived the Theresienstadt concentration camp and died in 1963 – at the age of almost 100 – in Vienna.