Jewish Cemetery

Wiener Straße 115

The Jewish Cemetery in Wiener Straße, the last such cemetery in Krems, was opened in 1880.

The first, medieval cemetery was in the Gaswerkstraße, near the Steiner Gate. It existed until the first expulsion of the Jews in 1420/21. The second Jewish cemetery was opened on Turnerberg hill in the mid-19th century. It was abandoned in 1936, in part because of large-scale desecration in the inter-war years, and the remains of the dead were transferred to the new cemetery in the Wiener Straße.

177 people are buried in the Jewish cemetery in Krems; the last funerals took place in 1971. During the Nazi period, several rows of graves were removed to make space for a hut camp for prisoners of war from STALAG XVII B. Today there are no remaining records indicating which people are buried where in the cemetery.

There are two art installations at the Jewish cemetery. In 1995 a 42-metre-long strip of metal was installed at the entrance to the cemetery by Hans Kupelwieser. In it are incised the names of 127 Jewish people from Krems who were expelled or murdered. In 2004, in the work The Jewish Metaphysics of Death, the artist duo Clegg & Guttmann set up three public bookcases containing books on Jewish philosophy and history of death.