Krems station

Bahnhofsplatz 1

On 2 April 1945 Krems station was the target of a bombing raid by 105 US planes of the Fifteenth Air Force. The aim was to disrupt supplies to German troops, which after the destruction of routes between Munich and Vienna were now being transported exclusively via Krems. The destruction of the area around the station reached up to the synagogue at the end of Dinstlstraße which, however, sustained almost no damage itself.

Around 100 civilians died in the raid. Most of them were buried in a mass grave in the Krems cemetery. In 2022 the Historians’ Advisory Council encouraged the city of Krems to mark the grave and list the names of the dead. The scale of the destruction can still be made out in the architecture of the station district, all of whose buildings date from after 1945.