

Therese Mahrer was a resistance fighter from Krems. After the Austrofascist regime banned the Social Democratic children’s welfare organisation  Kinderfreunde in 1934, she lost her job as a pre-school teacher. Along with Franz Zeller and Alois Schallinger, she then became part of the illegal Communist resistance in Krems. She was imprisoned in 1934 and 1935 for illegal political activities, on both occasions for two months. Therese Mahrer said of one of these arrests: “I was taken to the district administration office by two gendarmes; they both wanted to spare me the shame and said I should walk in front. But I said, I’ll walk between you; it’s not my shame, it’s yours.” After the National Socialist seizure of power in 1938, Mahrer was vilified as a “red” and in danger in Krems, so she went to Vienna. After the end of Nazi rule, she returned to Krems and became women’s director of the Communist Party district leadership. In 1945 she became the first woman to be elected a Krems city councillor. As councillor for schools and culture she successfully organised the conversion of a barracks into a school: In 1947, high schools that had been destroyed by bombing were due to be relocated to other towns, but Therese Mahrer persuaded the Soviet occupation forces to empty the former Pioneers barracks and make it available for school purposes. Today the repurposed barracks houses the Krems Higher Technical College, the Krems Higher Federal Colleges for Fashion and Business Careers and the Federal School Boarding House. In 2019, 30 years after her death, the park in front of the school was named after Therese Mahrer.