

Until 2021 the street Margarete-Schörl-Gasse was called Maria-Grengg-Gasse. It had been named after the writer Maria Grengg, whose work was in the sentimental Heimat (“homeland”) genre. She was a member of the NSDAP and openly declared her allegiance to National Socialism and her veneration of Adolf Hitler. In her books, Grengg said, she wanted to “clothe […] the ideas of National Socialism in artistic form and communicate them […] to the people in an easily comprehensible form.” After 1940 her books were published in new, edited versions and she managed to live down her Nazi sympathies.

The street leads to numerous educational institutions of the City of Krems: a kindergarten, a primary school and an afterschool centre. This was one of the reasons why the local council, on the suggestion of the Historians’ Advisory Council, decided in 2021 to dedicate the street to an educational reformer who had worked in Krems. Margarete Schörl – a member of the “English Ladies”, a women’s religious order following Jesuit rules – developed a theory in the 1950s that space for playing could be a “third pedagogue” for children, thus revolutionising educational methods in kindergartens.